About Us

The CSA (Citizen Sheriff's Academy Alumni and the COP group  are always looking for new volunteers to join our groups. We hold a class each  year and you must go thru the Academy to join the Alumni or the COP. When in class, you learn every aspect of the Sheriff's Office from the Jail to CID, Swat, Negotations, Crime Prevention, Women in Law Enforcement, Civil Process, to the animal shelter and more.

Once the classroom training is finished, if you want, you can begin training to be a part of the Citizens on Patrol. You spend 20 hours, spaced at your convienence, with an FTO (Field Training Officer) and learn all the rules and regulations to be able to take the car out on patrol. 

You can join the Alumni which meets the 2nd Monday of each month in the back training room at the SO. Dues are $12.00 a year.

We have a lot of fun with National Night Out and McGruff the crime dog goes with us. We assist our liason deputy with Neighborhood Watch, Crime Booths at many functions, and help out where needed in the community. Our biggest and best is the Child ID. We have a program where we put all the pertinant information about a child on a CD and then give it to the parents for safe keeping. It contains their fingerprints, a video of them walking and talking and all idenity info plus an ID card with their picture on it. We do this at schools, daycares, churchs, and any other place we are asked to go. Our fund raiser for the year is our Battle of the Badges where we have deputies from the Sheriff's Offfice, Smithville Pd, Travis County SO, BISD PD, FCI District Judges, JP's, Physicians, Fire Dept. and more. It is a great night of fun and helps the Alumni raise the money to give a graduating Senior in the BISD a schlarship that wants to go into law enforcement.


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